

Relevant Projects:

  • Content Delivery Network (Backend) GitHub
  • Checkers AI GitHub
  • Data Structures & Algorithms in C++ GitHub

Relevant Coursework:

  • Programming in C++/C

    Grade recieved: A

  • Implementation and Analysis of Data Structures

    Grade recieved: A-

  • Introduction to Artificial Intellgience

    Grade recieved: A+


Relevant Projects:

  • Stock Analysis Tool in C (Server-Client) GitHub
  • Shell Implementation in C GitHub
  • Multithreaded Producer-Consumer Simulation GitHub

Relevant Coursework:

  • Introduction to Computer Organization

    Grade recieved: B+

  • Principles of System Design

    Grade recieved: A-


Relevant Projects:

  • Webscraping Search Engine GitHub
  • Socket Programming GitHub

Relevant Coursework:

  • Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (UC Berkeley)

    Grade recieved: A-

  • Information Retrieval

    Grade recieved: A+

  • Computational Photography and Vision

    Grade recieved: B+

  • Concepts of Programming Languages

    Grade recieved: B+

Frontend & Database Management

Relevant Projects:

Relevant Coursework:

  • Introduction to Data Management

    Grade recieved: In progress (IP)

  • Introduction to Software Engineering

    Grade recieved: A